Trying to build a software Product?

Very exclusive ... Free 30 minutes of consulting session to get your TEAM AS A SERVICE

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We at MD-Labs are aware of the challenges Business Executives are facing, to expand their digital transformation teams. MD-Labs is eager to lift that burden with you. The team as a Service (TAAS) is one of the most valuable services; MD-Labs offers for flourishing businesses. Along with 40+ cumulative years of software development experience, helping our clients select, structure, and manage digital transformation teams.
Adopting precise yet fixable work models to ensure successful project delivery, such as Scrum Agile Delivery & Design Thinking Process.

listen from our client, Ahmed Sobaih Founder & CEO | Jeel Platform

MD-Labs produced for us the magic formula, delivering the benefits of having our own software development team separately from the normal software process hassle. Within around 4 years of Jeel engaging MD-Labs TAAS in our process, we proudly have around one million downloads across the different stores.

Book one of the limited free Consultation sessions with MD-Labs expert now

Meet Our Expert, Mostafa El-Kourechy

Mostafa is a technology passion with 13+ years of successful launching, directing, and managing large-scale digital transformation projects.

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